Research snapshots
This series presents findings from recent research carried out by ACEW staff and associates in short, accessible summaries.
Research Snapshot 6
“Involuntary exit for personal reasons” – Why more women entrepreneurs “choose” to exit their businesses
“Voluntary” exit from a start-up conjures up images of empowered entrepreneurs happily choosing to make a harvest sale, issue an IPO, retire or return to employment. Exits for – seldom specified – “personal reasons” are deemed voluntary and uneventful.
Research Snapshot 5
Where gender meets social entrepreneurship: Building knowledge from many contexts and intersections
Combining country contexts, particularly using mixed methods research, will ultimately reveal patterns in what it takes to nurture social entrepreneurship for sustainable development.
Research Snapshot 4
Igniting capabilities of women export entrepreneurs in Aotearoa New Zealand
Part II: Thematic analysis and recommendations
Research Snapshot 3
Igniting capabilities of women export entrepreneurs in Aotearoa New Zealand
Part I: Introduction and setting the scene
Research Snapshot 2
Endure, escape or engage: How women and other “misfit” entrepreneurs shape NZ ecosystems
New Zealand investors must shed remaining parochial and patriarchal habits or risk losing valuable investees.
Research Snapshot 1
Challenging how entrepreneurial finance thinks about gender: Past present and future concepts
Researchers, entrepreneurs, investors and policymakers; men, women, firms and institutions – all must change how they think and talk about, and act on, the very concept of gender.
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